Tag Archives: Ecologies of Resources

COM_COM_000848ModulesWeek2Digital Literacies & Ecologies of resources

Reflections on week 2 Digital Literacies & Ecologies of Resources

This is my (final) result of an exercise, using http://experimental.worldcat.org/vandrmapping/signIn

A useful exercise that does get you thinking about tools that you use, and in what domains (personal/institutional) and whether you are a creator and/or viewer (Resident/visitor)

In response to the critique of the Digital Native narrative popularised by Prensky, David White proposed the “Visitors and Residents” (VandR) framework of technology adoption. JISC subsequently utilised the VandR mapping exercise within their Digital Literacies framework and guides. The VandR mapping exercise provides a quick visual map of how students and academics interact with various technologies in the Institutional (or Professional) and Personal (or Social) domains. It also highlights the potential for rethinking how various tools can be used within a more professional domain rather than merely within a social or personal domain.

See more: https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/7802/6515

During the process of using this tool, I was frustrated by the fact that I spent time on thinking it through and completing it (between various other interruptions) but with no warning, I had to redo the exercise 3 times. What I shared above was a screen grab, after losing my map 3 times already…

I made a comment in response to this on the open forum … It seems I wasn’t the only one to have lost their hard work!

Yes (grrr, don’t have this time to waste).  Maybe this is the type of thing we need to ensure that we are aware of pitfalls, and when we ask students to use these types of platforms, we ensure they are well placed to know what they should/shouldn’t do, otherwise, as Caitlin said above, we will most probably be considerably less enthusiastic, not only to repeat the exercise but in using this tool ourselves in our teaching.  Is this our responsibility as lecturers/tutors/course writers etc, or simply a matter of those who can’t hack it, don’t belong?  

Who has had to deal with Centrelink, or MyGov, and lost everything they’ve written because it has ‘timed out’?  But where is the warning that you have x number of minutes to complete or you’ll lose it all?  What’s the bloody rush?  Hate this!

I showed my daughter (she is 11, grade 6, and an expert user of many digital platforms on her ipad with which she is far closer to resident and producer status than I ever will be) and she gets it. She was interested in the different ideas of being a consumer vs a producer of content – is this different to what is being mapped here? I think too that like mother like daughter, there is not a huge divide between what they term ‘personal’ and ‘institutional’ usage – they cross over in many ways, particularly since our 2020 lockdown experiences.